Tuesday, April 01, 2003

a baker's dozen

In case you were wondering . . . and even if you weren't, here are a few more random things about me.

  1. My grandmother would wait until my sister's birthday in June to give me my birthday present.

  2. My sister hit me on the head with a hammer when I was five (this explains a lot).

  3. My prom date was 29 and gay.

  4. A squirrel came down my chimney and jumped in my bed while I was still in it.

  5. One of my earliest memories is taking a package left on my neighbor's doormat.

  6. I have caused more than one of my teachers to cry.

  7. When I was in high school I thought joining a sorority would be fun.

  8. I was a cheerleader.

  9. I've never lived more than four years in one place.

  10. I've studied at Cambridge University in England.

  11. My name was almost Patricia.

  12. A real estate agent who became known as "Mr. Pond Scum" came into my life on April Fool's Day last year.

  13. I can remember my grandmother's phone number (201.451.2096), which has been disconnected for over a decade, but had to ask what my own was last night.


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