Monday, November 03, 2008

on hold

what flower is this?

I love libraries. I love books, so the idea that there are these places where anyone with a library card can borrow reading materials, whether for research, school, or just the pleasure of reading, fills me with joy.

Currently though, I am a bit annoyed with my library. Their hold policy is driving me a bit batty. I currently have a book checked out, and someone has placed a hold on it. I get that it is not my book, and I need to learn to share, but the thing is there are four other copies of the book at the library. Despite this the system will not allow me to renew it.

I confess that I once placed a book on hold that was on the shelf. I did it because I had learned about the book from a popular newsletter, and figured I would not be the only one looking for it.

I called and asked about the hold issue and was told that the person in charge of doing the hold requests wasn't coming in until after 5pm. Normally she comes in earlier. I was told to try to renew the book again later today or tomorrow.

Of course when I just tried, the hold was still there, as were the four copies on the shelf. I don't want to have to argue over a twenty-five cent fine - it sounds petty - but really it is the principle of the thing. I don't want to pay for someone else's laziness.

Even worse the library just paid a large sum of money to update its system. So far, I am underwhelmed. Initially it actually checked in books that were checked out to both me and B. When we brought this to the attention of the library staff, they didn't seem too concerned. Then again, maybe this is something built into the system to pay for it. Really though the solution is charging a small fee for hold requests.

on the night stand :: Ordinary Sparkling Moments

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