Friday, November 06, 2009

how well do you know me

pretty in pink

Am at a bit of a loss on what to write about today. I am tired of whining. So why not do a list?

Twenty-Five (very random) Things About Me

  1. I am left-handed - the only one in my immediate family who is.

  2. I have worn glasses since I was five.

  3. My favorite holiday is Christmas.

  4. If it were up to me, there wouldn't be a TV in the house.

  5. The longest I ever lived in one place was five years.

  6. It is a rare day when I don't drink at least one cup of tea.

  7. I had my first email account in 1987.

  8. One of my goals every year is to remember my friends' birthdays.

  9. There are monsters on my bed (sheets).

  10. The movie, Leaving Las Vegas, made me physically ill.

  11. For as long as I can remember, I have loved books.

  12. The last movie I saw at the theater was Toy Story & Toy Story 2 (in 3D).

  13. When I saw Toy Story the first time, I had to leave because I forgot I was on the crisis line.

  14. I logged over 1500 hours on a crisis line.

  15. My first experience with a Mac was frustrating (because I was used to doing things the hard way).

  16. I was a cheerleader.

  17. And also on the drill team.

  18. I love stationary.

  19. One summer I worked as a vet's assistant. That was a crazy job.

  20. Red Cup season at Starbucks makes me giddy.

  21. I am very shy.

  22. In fact, when I was 8, my Mom locked me outside because she was concerned about my introversion.

  23. I have been doing the laundry since I was eight.

  24. Tonight I made tomato soup from scratch along with homemade bread.

  25. I have trouble finishing things.

on the night stand :: When You Reach Me by Rebecca Stead.

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