Friday, November 07, 2008

some randomness

not ready

Tonight I am baking a pumpkin pie completely from scratch. I roasted the pumpkin and pureed it. I also make the crust.

Today we went to Claremont so B could got his shaggy hair cut. He told the woman who cut his hair that he was going on a job interview. Apparently he always says this to a new hairdresser (or one he hasn't seen in a while). I was a bit surprised when she said, "Good luck - hope you get the job!"

When we walked outside, I asked B if he had something to tell me. Had he been pretending to the office in the morning, but instead going to his coworker's house to play Guitar Hero? He explained his little trick to get a better hair cut.

On the way back we stopped at Fresh & Easy. One of the things I love is that if you spend $20, you can get a coupon for $5 off your purchase. They also will let you try any product in the store.

B found frozen shu mei. He wasn't sure about them, since they didn't have pork, then remembered what he had heard. So he walked over to the samples area, and asked if he could try them. With a smile, the woman said sure. He just needed to stick around for a bit while she heated them in the microwave.

They weren't bad, but not what he was expecting. We ended up not getting them. To be fair, we had just have what had have been called the best dumplings in the San Gabriel Valley last night, so I am not sure what would have lived up to that.

We had been back at the house for a bit when we had two different people come to the door almost back to back. It was like one was waiting in the bushes until the left. The first wanted to clean the carpets at no charge. I sent him away. The second was collecting for this charity that feeds the hungry by painting house numbers on curbs. B gave her a check for the average donation - $13.

Okay pie is ready.

on the night stand :: This I Believe IIou

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