Sunday, November 22, 2009

thanksgiving is almost here

tick tock

I am trying to stay organized about the upcoming holiday. Since I am doing all the cooking, but still want to spend some time with our guests, I think this is the key. Of course, there is always that last hour or so, which is a mad dash rush to get everything to the table, hot.

Here is the plan:

  • Sunday: take the turkey out of the freezer.

  • Monday: make the cranberry sauce.

  • Tuesday: bake the garnet yams. I will let them cool, and store in a plastic bag until Thursday, when all I need to do is peel and mash and reheat with a bit of butter. Take the bread I've been saving for the stuffing out of the freezer, along with the sausage.

  • Wednesday: bake the apple pie and the chocolate chunk pecan pie, along with the popovers (they can be reheated). Also may try to prep the stuffing.

  • Thursday: start with the turkey. Then finish off the stuffing. Next peel the potatoes. And put the green bean casserole and corn pudding together. Heat everything. Thank goodness for two ovens! Finally, make the gravy, carve the turkey, and enjoy!

on the night stand :: Otis by Loren Long.

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