Sunday, November 08, 2009

25 more things about me

it is a small world

I am struggling today with something to write. So back to the old stand by. It's better than nothing, right?

25 More (very random) things about me:

  1. I try not to judge books by their covers, but often that is how I remember them. People at bookstores run from me.

  2. In a college acting class I was told that I was one of the best liars the instructor had ever seen.

  3. Really though, I almost never lie.

  4. I prefer essay tests to multiple choice.

  5. I can remember peeling potatoes at the kitchen table with my grandmother & great-grandmother. I begged to do this chore, even though it usually ended with me cutting my finger.

  6. When I was 5, I started cooking at the stove. I used a step stool (shaped like a rabbit) to reach.

  7. Part of the reason I stayed in Austin, Texas, was because of Central Market, and amazing grocery store.

  8. I miss the Andronico's (grocery) store in Walnut Creek, California.

  9. I am making this quiche for dinner this week.

  10. I sent a letter to Amy Carter when her father was in office. I got a postcard back.

  11. A few years back I went to Jimmy Carter's book signing in Chicago.

  12. Around the same time I went to my first Martha Stewart book signing.

  13. My favorite drink at Starbucks, is a venti black tea lemonade, sweetened.

  14. I am still not used to referring to B as my husband.

  15. Because of Twitter, I got to help decorate a Rose Parade float last year.

  16. I did a summer abroad program at Pembroke College at Cambridge University.

  17. A world without chocolate, would be a terrible place (in my opinion, at least).

  18. Despite my love of wrapping paper and ribbon, I am not great at wrapping presents.

  19. Before I started Catholic school in the second grade, my dad told me horrible stories about mean nuns. I was so scared, I didn't talk to any of the sisters for at least my first week. I would only nod my head if asked something directly.

  20. My favorite color is the green between lime and chartreuse.

  21. Although my sister and I were a year apart, we only had the same teacher twice. Once my sister had the teacher before me. That was a nightmare.

  22. Because of changing high schools, I missed out on American Literature.

  23. I have re-read Alice in Wonderland more than any other book.

  24. I wish I had the letters I wrote from camp. They were classic.

  25. I am really looking forward to seeing Small World decked out for the holidays.

on the nightstand :: Otis by Loren Long.

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