Sunday, December 02, 2007

so much for that turkey

time to make the donuts

Today went something like this:

1. Get up. Pack. Take Stuff out to car. {Requires three trips.}

2. Decide maybe a side trip to the Ferry Building in downtown SF isn't the best idea. We were about 2 hours behind schedule.

3. Head due east and then south.

4. Realize that we know someone traveling the same highway in the opposite direction. Decide it would be fun to meet up. Flashbacks of Algebra 2 as we figure out where two cars traveling in opposite directions will meet up.

5. Make plans to meet up at the In 'N Out. Only I thought it was Starbucks. Didn't realize it until B packed up his stuff and left the Starbucks only to return to the door and give me that look like, you really need to learn to follow.

6. Meet up with friends at In 'N Out. Friends also have another friend driving Interstate 5. She meets up with us too.

7. Continue on the drive.

8. Arrive at the house and realize the power must have gone out while we were away as the microwave oven is flashing.

9. Opened up the freezer to find it covered in ice! No idea how long the electricity was out or if the 18-pound turkey (the free one) inside is still good.

on the night stand :: Nini Here and There

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Sunday, November 25, 2007

once i believed that la to sf was commutable

my driving hat

That was a l o n g drive. I forgot that people would be heading back to wherever they spent the holidays from today. The really weird part is that most of the backup wasn't accident related (thank goodness). It was just people who aren't used to driving the 5. Ugh. You don't ride your brake on the 5 - at least not as you are driving along California's central valley.

We arrived safely after over 9 hours on the road. I can usually do it in about 6.5, so this gives you some idea of how crazy it was. We stopped once to use the restroom. I ended up opting for the 'outside' bathroom, which I initially thought was a couple of port-a-potties. Part of me thinks that would have been the way to go.

I finally made it out of the zoo that was the parking lot, and was about to get on the freeway when I saw a CHP car with its lights flashing behind me. Thankfully, he was just heading off to an accident or something. But it did give me a bit of an adrenaline rush. It didn't help that there was a giant camper that had also just turned onto the road in front of me.

We did also stop at the Starbucks on Laval Road West. It was so crazy we used the drive thru. I had never seen that area so busy. It was a bit surreal.

on the night stand :: Apples For Jam

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