Friday, December 07, 2007

i wish i had an elf

i wish

Thanks to Tivo, I am watching Martha Stewart make a enormous cake with Caroline Kennedy. It starts off with forty eggs - yes forty! It takes an industrial size mixer to make. And I am sure the pan would not fit in the average person's oven. After all that, you ice it, and put it back into the oven! The recipe comes from Martha Washington.

I must say that catching up on these Martha Stewart Show episodes is putting me a bit into the holiday spirit. Of course I still haven't written a single card. And no idea on what the final plan is for Christmas through New Years. That is really starting to piss me off. I did manage to order some stockings today, but I realize that with every day that passes, it is one less day to do stuff. There is also the issue of finding things and making reservations and such.

NPR had a story about a woman who created a web site on a lark that sold tumbleweeds. Well who knew that there was a market for tumbleweeds, and after about 15 years she now makes $40,000 a year doing so. I joked that we should get a couple of reindeer and make a website selling reindeer poop. I know a few people who might be getting some.

on the night stand :: A Family Christmas

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